9. A Reflection on Twilight and Reading Experiences
Good morning sweet friends, <Cozy Intro> The Twilight series by Stephanie is not without controversy. I have posted a review of this series from a more analytical position, but today, I want to use this as a starting place to discuss the importance of reader experience. Reader experience is a factor I so often see left out of book reviews, booktube, and book club discussions. I originally read the Twilight series because someone close to me loved the books and I was trying to understand why. I was also going through a bad break-up with someone I was engaged to. It was around Thanksgiving 2011 and I coped with the break-up by immersing myself in this series. I used it as an escape and I powered through all xxxx pages of the series in less than week. I remember literally spending all my time outside of work and basic self-maintenance (food, showers, etc.) reading. I needed to stay out of my own head. It is safe to say that the Twilight series saved me from a world of