2. Mid-Week Listicle: Three Things I Love About Fancy Goldfish

An orange fancy goldfish called an oranda swims against a black backdrop
(Photo by zhengtao tang on Unsplash)

Good morning sweet friends,
Today I start talking about one of my passions: fancy goldfish! While there is some controversy around whether breeding these fish, I absolutely love these fat little carp. Below, I kick off my goldfish series with three reasons why I love the kingyo. 


1. The Tradition
Goldfish keeping goes back centuries and spans across many continents. Fancy goldfish breeding started before 1000 A.D. in China. The tradition spans across multiple countries with a majority of the goldfish varieties coming from China, Japan, and Thailand. 


2. The Varieties
Because fancy goldfish keeping historically took place across several countries, there are many different varieties to appreciate. Each variety has their own set of breeding standards and qualities. Some of my favorite varieties include Crown Pearscales, Chinese Ranchu, Japanese Tosakin, and Short-Tailed Ryukin.

In addition to breed varieties, there are scale and color varieties too. From matte white Orandas to sparkly sakura Ryukins, black Ranchu, and calico butterflies, there is a color and scale style for everyone to enjoy.


3. The Temperament
Goldfish are smart fish. They learn to recognize their keepers over time. You can teach a goldfish to eat directly from your hand and each fish has their own little personality. Many people like to call them "water puppies" as a result of their puppy-like begging and playfulness. 


If you love fancy goldfish, what do you love about them? 

Until next time, stay cozy, friends,


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