4. Mid-week Listicle: Three of My Favorite Houseplants

Good morning sweet friends, 
I don't know what the weather is like where you live this time of year, but here in Iowa is frigid with temperatures below zero, winds that make a winter coat feel like a thin bed sheet, and snow topping ice-covered ground. There is no chance for outdoor gardening in these winters, so I keep my green thumb satisfied by growing indoor plants. 

Below are three of my favorite (of many) houseplants. 


1. Golden Pothos
Golden Pothos are super easy plants to grow. This was the first plant to join my collection way back in 2003. Golden Pothos is easy to prorate. I actually keep a Pothos in the hang-on-back filter of most of my fish tanks. Since it is a fast-growing vine, it soaks up nitrates in the tank water and helps keep water parameters health for fish. The grow in a variety of light and humidity situations too because they are generally hardy plants. They are toxic to dogs and cats so if you chose to bring one into your home, make sure to keep it away from your critters.

Close up photo of golden pothos foliage.


2. African Violets
African violets are moderately difficult plants but I have a knack for them. There has never been a violet that didn't like living with me. These fuzzy plants have a variety of leaf types as well as flowers. Manage your violets right, and you could have blooms year round. They are also non-toxic for dogs and cats so if your four-legged friends gets into one, they'll be fine.

African violet with pink flowers and dark green leaves.


3. Calathea
I have yet to meet a Calathea that I don't think is beautiful. They have a calming effect on me, perhaps because I love stripes and many Calathea varieties involved vivid stripes on the foliage. They are a more difficult plant to keep because they need specific light and a moderate amount of humidity. If you can keep them alive, though, they are worth the work. 

A calathea ornata plant with oval leaves that have green and white stripes.

What are some of your favorite houseplant varieties? 

Until next time, stay cozy, friends,


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